Sidefun ( Former Botryfun )

Composition and wealth warranties

Sidefun® is a unique product and exceptional formulated in a base of organic acids esterified to prevent and neutralize the  attack of Botrytis cinerea. 

Sidefun®  works in two different ways:

In post-infection : the product acts on the spores of the fungus and dry (action éradiquante). It also helps to heal the wounds caused by the attacks of Botrytis cinerea and the formation of new spores.

As a preventive measure : it forms a physical barrier that prevents the pathogen from reaching the epidermis of the plant. 

Sidefun® is a product of contact that does not generate resistance of the pathogen.

Sidefun® also provides a better appearance to the fruit treated with the coating that it provides. It remains active even after harvesting,  and allows you to maintain protection during the 

initial period of storage. The product can even be applied during the harvest, without this creates a time of waiting : in effect, this product does not leave residues on fruit treated 

and harvested. Sidefun® do not interfere in the quality of the must and the wine-making process. Sidefun® respect wildlife 

auxiliary and especially the Arthropods, it is consistent with the strategy of IPM.

Dose and mode of employment

Spray :  250-300 cc/hl (2,5 -3 L/Ha). 


Sidefun® is compatible with most fertilizers and plant protection products, are usually used. However  it is advisable not to mix with products excessively alkaline.
