Composition and wealth warranties

Sergomil®L60 is an innovative formulation based complex molecular non-ionic copper and, more specifically, Pectinates, Monogluconate and Galacturonate of copper, which gives it a systémie bottom-up and top-down. Sergomil®L60 is not a salt of copper ; its mechanism of action should not be identified or compared to the products of copper-based conventional. In fact, Sergomil®L60 has a triple action :
An antifungal action and preventive and post-infectious, affecting a wide spectrum of fungal diseases (downy Mildew, Pythium...) and bacterial (Pseudomonas, Clavibacter, Xanthomonas,...).
An action on the activation of the natural defenses of the plant ; Sergomil®L60 by its systémie, stimulates the sysnthèse of phytoalexins, which is a compound phyto-chemical synthesized by the plant during microbial attack playing the role of a biological barrier against these diseases. The plant develops, therefore, a self-immunity to permanent and prior to the attacks of pathogens.
It increases the strength and overall healthiness of the culture through a stimulation of photosynthetic activity leading to better yields (action from fertilisation).
Sergomil®L60 can be used on the crops growing in accordance with the rules of organic agriculture.
Dose and mode of employment
On field crops, vegetables, fruit trees, vines and olive spray ;
150-300 cc/hl (1,5-3 L/ha), with a minimum interval of 15 days between treatments; apply a single treatment, do not mix with other products. By injection, on all crops, 2-3 L/ha every 10-15 days. For crops sensitive to copper, (stone fruits, some varieties of vine and vegetable crops), it is recommended to apply it exclusively by injection.
Sergomil®L60 is not compatible products alkali, copper, amino acids (except olive), and products based phosphorus, nitrogen and sulfur, in case of doubt, carry out a test beforehand.