
Composition and wealth warranties

Potagrosse is in liquid fertilizer exceptionally rich in potassium and sulphur in the presence of the phosphorus and boron. 

The unique formulation of Potagrosse ensures the plant assimilation very fast items using foliar and root. 

Potagrosse is recommended for the crops to be strong need in Potassium and Sulfur to know the cereal crops, onions, sugar beet... 

the nitrogen present in Potagrosse promotes better absorption and nitrogen fixation at the level of the leaves leading to the synthesis of more efficient protein and other photoassimilats, this is especially beneficial for cereal crops such as durum wheat and lórge. 

The application of Potagrosse is recommended phases of the development of fruit and seeds, and contributes to the increase of their reserves in sugars and proteins and the improvement of their sensory characteristics.

Dose and mode of employment

Spray :

   - Cereal crops 1 to 2 litres /ha . 

   - Fruit-growing and vegetable-growing 250 to 350 cc/hI.

In fertigation : 

   - Fruit-growing and vegetable-growing 5 to 10 litres /ha/application.



Do not mix with products, copper and calcium, or other products with a high pH. 

In case of doubt it is recommended to do a test first.
