

Composition and wealth warranties

PKamine is a fertilizer is water-soluble, applicable via foliar and root characterized by a high concentration of free amino acids of high-quality and rich in phosphorus and  potassium. The specific composition of PKamine  gives it a stimulatory effect powerful flowering by providing the necessary elements for the formation of a button floral accomplished. Therefore, the flower end of the button floral will be complete, thus ensuring the fruit set significantly better. PKamine  can also be used during the grow-out phase of fruit, and for the improvement of their calibre and their organoleptic quality. This is done by the stimulation of the biosynthesis of proteins and the translocation of photo-assimilat in the plant. The large concentration of amino acids of PKamine  help the plant to divert the different types of biotic and abiotic stresses, such as frost, wind, water stress, pests... PKamine  can be used in alternation with Brixamine 40  in order to succeed in the grow-out phase of the fruit.

Dose and mode of employment

Foliar spray : 250-400g/hl.

Fertigation : 3 to 5 kg/ha.     


PKamine  should be in the mix with the most pesticides and fertilizer. In case of doubt, carry out a test first.
