
Composition and wealth warranties


OrganoS is a liquid, organic, highly concentrated in plant extracts, and enriched in elemental sulfur.

OrganoS acts as a metabolic enhancer and helps to improve the biological characteristics and physico-chemical soil.

OrganoS contains protective agents against water stress, which allows the plant to overcome the conditions of drought and conserve water supplies.

OrganoS, thanks to the presence of sulfur, can reduce the pH in the root zone, facilitating the assimilation of nutrients.


Dose and mode of employment

In foliar application : 750 – 1000mL/100L.

Fertigation : 10 – 20L/Ha/Application (40 to 100 L/Ha/crop Cycle according to the type of culture).


OrganoS not compatible with alkaline products, in case of doubt, carry out a test first.





