Olivo more +

Composition and wealth warranties

Olivo more+ is a product specially designed for the cultivation of the olive tree, it is formulated with a base of cream of algae Ascophyllum nodosum, macro and micro elements partially complexed by carboxylic acids and lignosulfonates playing the role of activators organic. Olivo more+ is also rich in proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates and vitamins. The mode of action ofOlivo more+ is based on the stimulation of biological 

having and strengthening the force of the olive tree. This is particularly the plant to overcome periods of strong pressures from climate (water stress, extreme heat...) and biological (flowering, fruit set...). 

The regular use ofOlivo more+ combined with a correct driving assistance  reduce the phenomenon of alternation among the olive. For the olive groves cultivated in accordance with the rules of organic farming, it is recommended to use Olivo more B1.

Dose and mode of employment

Spray : 200 - 250 cc /Hl (2 to 2.5 Litres /Ha).

Improvement of flowering : apply at the first appearance of flower buds.

Improvement of the production (quantity) : apply Olivo more+ between flowering and fruit set.

Quality improvement : apply at the stage magnification of the fruit.

To get a maturation uniform and improved flower induction for the following season (decrease of the alternating): apply in the beginning of maturation.


Do not mix with products extremely alkaline.
