Nutriman N24

Composition and wealth warranties

Nutriman N24 is a dissolution of the free amino acid to a pH of enough acid for the maintenance of their stability in solution. Nutriman N24 comes from the bacterial fermentation of arrays protein vegetable and not to chemical hydrolysis acid as the most conventional products. The application of Nutriman N24 is recommended during the critical period during which the plant needs intakes outstanding to ensure the continuity of vegetative development. These specific needs additional are due to the accidents of bioclimatic and certain physiological stages  to know the budding and planting. In fact, the application of Nutriman N24 during these periods ensures the continuity of protein synthesis, and in consequence of the vegetative development of the plant.

Dose and mode of employment

The doses depend on the culture, the time of year and the nutritional status of crops.

Spray : 200 to 300 cc /Hl (2 to 3 Litres /Ha).

In fertigation : 4 to 6 Litres /Ha.


Compatible with most pesticides and fertilizers, the effectiveness of these even increased due to the presence amino acids. It is advisable to conduct a compatibility test small-scale and prior employment. 
