Mas raiz+

Composition and wealth warranties

Mas raiz+ is a formulation enracinante powerful for a  development of rapid and vigorous of the hair root.

The formation of new root hairs and secondary roots contributes to the triggering of the process of nutrition of the plant to ensure a start-up high-performance cultures.

Mas raiz+ acts at different levels :

-Physical Action: the organic matrix as well as the sugars found in Mas raiz+ improve the texture of the root zone,  facilitating the formation of a mucilage abundant.

-Action nutritional and energy : through the use of polysaccharides and macro and microelements present in Mas raiz+.

-Action biostimulante : provided by the algae which contain phytorégulateurs natural, alginates, lignosulfonates...

Dose and mode of employment

In fertigation : 2 to 4 litres/Ha.

Spray : 100 to 300 cc/Hl (1 to 3 litres/Ha).

Immersion before the transplant : 50 cc/50 liters of water 

for 12 hours.


Avoid the mixing with the sulphur, and the products of alkalinity is high. It is advisable to conduct a test first. 
