Humitec 20

Composition and wealth warranties

His presentation in liquid form promotes an application on the ground with the modern systems of irrigation, and thus, a distribution is perfectly homogeneous product. 

Its good diffusion and solubility are that its action is more rapid than the solid organic matter common.

Humitec 20 improves the physical, chemical and biological complex of clay-humic while helping to maintain a good level of humus.

Humus increases the processing capacity of the ion in the ground, constitueune reserve of nutrients to the plant and promotes the absorption of mineral fertilizers.

Dose and mode of employment

Humitec 20, can be used at any time of the year and on any type of crops grown as main contribution of organic matter, protein and nutrient .

Humitec 20 can be applied through all the systems of irrigation and foliar as that makes bio-stimulating and improving the photosynthetic activity .

Application root : 90 to 120 L /ha .   



Is not compatible with the sulphur, and the products are very alkaline.

In case of any doubts carried out a test beforehand .
