Fulvimic granulated

Composition and wealth warranties

Fulvimic granulated is an organic fertilizer pellet plant origin present in the form of mini-granules rich in polysaccharides, amino acids and humic extracts. Its presentation in the form flowable allows an application by application easy on the ground, as well as a slow release and staggered over time. Fulvimic granulated improves the physical, chemical and biological complex of clay-humic while contributing to maintain a good level of humus. Humus increases the processing capacity of  ions  in  the  soil constituent  a  reserve  of nutrients and facilitating the absorption of  minerals by plant.  Fulvimic granulated is usable in organic agriculture.

Dose and mode of employment

Palm : 3-5 kg/ tree.

Vegetable Crops : 250-350kg/ha.

Greenhouse crops : 40-60 kg/1 000 m2. 

Fruit tree: 700-1000 kg/ha.


Do not mix the ammonium nitrate during the application. 
