

Composition and wealth warranties

Fosfin® is a dissolution of a stable phosphorus in the form of ion phosphite which a  great part of which is protonated in acid phosphorous and the other combined with the potassium salt to give the phosphite potassium. Fosfin® this excellent systémie at the level of the plant, its mode of action is based on :

the stimulation of the production of phytoalexins that helps strengthen the body's natural defences.

The inhibition of certain metabolic pathways of some of the mycelium and sporulation of fungal strains such as Phytophtora spp., Pythium spp., Plasmopara viticola... 

Fosfin® this, therefore, efficiency is recognized as a preventive measure than a cure on various strains of fungal pathogens, as mentioned above. In addition to the natural oxidation of phosphorous acid level of the soil provides the plant with a source of phosphorus assimilated.

Dose and mode of employment

Spray :  On the tree, olive tree and vine; 200-300 cc/hl 

(2-3 L/Ha). 

On vegetable crops : 250-350 cc/hl (2,5-3,5 L/Ha).

In fertigation : 3 to 4 L/ha.


Fosfin® is compatible with most fertilizers and products phytosanitary usually used. However  it is advisable not to mix with mineral oils, products of copper and calcium, dimethoate, the dinocap, as well as the high acid products.
