Floraspeed 0.58.14



Composition and wealth warranties

Floraspeed 0.58.14 is fertilizer PK highly concentrated liquid phosphorus, and potassium. 

The source of phosphorus present in Floraspeed 0.58.14 is easily and quickly absorbed by the crops through the two pathways leaf and root. The presence of Boron in its form Borate also helps to strengthen the cell multiplication in meristems and consolidate consequently, the role of phosphorus in moments of strong multiplication to find the roots and especially the flowering. The association of potassium and Boron allows, on the other hand, well the grow-out phase and maturation. In fact, these two elements act directly on the translocation and transport of sugars and other phyto-assimilates to the storage organs.  

Dose and mode of employment

On vegetable crops (potato, cucurbitacés, ...) and trees to fruit, we recommend the following doses:

In fertirrigation: Of 5 to 10 liters/ha/application.

Spray: 250 to 350 cc/hL.


Is not compatible with the sulfur and products copper and calcium. 
