
Composition and wealth warranties

Engordebio is a formulation cream-based algae Ascophyllum  nodosum, macro-and micro-elements partially complexed by acids carboxylic er of the lignosulfonates. The determination of macro-and micro-elements d’Engordebio is carefully studied for their thrust into the role of activators physiological enlargement and maturation of the fruit. In fact, Engordebio acts as a precursor for the synthesis of auxins and cytokinins by the plant itself inducing cell division at the level of the fruit and the uniform growth of the mesocarp (fleshy part). Engordebio also helps in the activation of the mechanisms responsible for the biosynthesis of sugars and pigments ; the Brix and the organoleptic characteristics of the fruit will be significantly improved.    

Dose and mode of employment

Spray : 150 cc /Hl (1.5 Litres/Ha).

In fertirrigation : 2.5 to 3 litres /Ha.

Fruit trees in nuclei ; from the size of 15mm of the fruit, and until the hardening of the nucleus.

Fruit trees seeds : as of the fall of the petals up to 30-45 day of it.

For other cultures : an application or more after fruit set with an interval of 10 to 15 days.


Do not mix with products extremely alkaline.
