



Composition and wealth warranties

Cuajebio is a dissolved aqueous seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum, salts of potassium, phosphorus, and trace elements. The wealth of Cuajebio in phytohormones natural (Cytokinins, Auxins and Gibberellins), carbohydrates (Mannitol acids and alginic) as well as macro-and micro-elements, allows you to have an abundant bloom and homogeneous. In effect, the action of Cuajebio starting from the induction of flowering and continues until the fruit set, and this in stimulating the biological processes to be flowers completed (pollen viable even in difficult conditions,  abundant and of high quality, pistil receiver).

As a result, an improvement of the production will be observed on both quantitatively and qualitatively. 

Dose and mode of employment

Citrus trees, fruit trees, olive trees, vines, vegetable crops, and hydroponics, it is advised to apply Cuajebio from the beginning of flowering, usually in a single application. However, if the conditions are unfavourable to fruit set, a second application is recommended.

On some vegetable crops such as cucurbits, it is recommended to apply Cuajebio with each new wave of floral strengthen lanouaison. 

Spray : of 100 to 150 cc/Hl (1 to 1.5 Liters /Ha).


Do not mix with products extremely alkaline, copper and calcium.
