Brixamine 40

Composition and wealth warranties


Brixamine 40 is a potash fertilizer rich in amino acids and trace elements with carboxylic acids, which improve their solubility. 

Brixamine 40 you can improve the colour, size and quality organoleptic properties of the fruit. The wealth of Brixamine 40 glutamic acid (the precursor of chlorophyll), magnesium and trace elements, it helps improve  the process of magnification and fruit maturity without stopping the vegetative development of the plant. 

Brixamine 40  can be used in alternation with PKamine, potagrosse and colt 0-45-55  in order to succeed the grow-out phase of the fruit.


Dose and mode of employment

Foliar spray : 250-350g/hl.  

Fertirrigation : 5-8Kg /ha. 



Brixamine 40  should be in the mix with the most pesticides. In case of doubt, carry out a test first.
