Amine NK

Composition and wealth warranties

Amine Nk is a physical mixing of amino acids and naturally occurring salts of potassium. Amino acids Amine Nk from the acid hydrolysis of substrates rich plant protein, so they are biologically active and also very assimilated by the plant. Nitrogen Amine NK has an origin mostly organic from the amino acids present in the product ; The forms nitric, ammoniacal and urea being present in low doses. Amine NK activates the synthesis of biological proteins and contributes to the transport of photo-assimilates in the plant.

Amine Nk also has a powerful role to makes bio-stimulating to divert the difficulties vegetative related to periods of climate stress and physiological .

Dose and mode of employment

Foliar spray : 200 to 300 g/hl ( 2 to 3 Kg/Ha ).

In fertirrigation : 2 to 3 KG /Ha.



Amine NK should be in the mix with the most pesticides.

In case of any doubts carried out a test beforehand .
