Alga max

Composition and wealth warranties

Alga max is a seaweed extract: 0 of Ascophyllum nodosum , rich in alginates (polysaccharides) that have a protective effect on plants, and also contains trace elements complexed (by gluconic acid and galacturonic).

Alga max is recommended as a stimulant to the metabolic activity of the plant, since thanks to the elements that it contains.

Alga max promotes the process of flowering, fruit set and fruit maturity, and also helps to overcome stress situations, the uniformity of the fruit and its resistance to transport. In fact, Alga max increases crop yield, prolongs the period of maturation of the fruit, and brings the nutrients that are essential to the growth of the plant.

Dose and mode of employment

Spray : 50 to 100 g / 100 litres on citrus trees, fruit trees, vines, olive trees, vegetable crops and ornamentals ; repeat application if necessary.


Alga Max it contains a mix with the most pesticides . In case of any doubts carried out a test beforehand .

