Potassium TS 500

Composition and wealth warranties




Potassium TS 500 is a liquid solution of potassium in the form thiosulfate. Potassium TS 500 is recommended to prevent and correct the deficiencies in potassium and especially to promote the magnification and the maturation of the fruit. Potassium TS 500 is rapidly assimilated by the plant, thanks to its slightly acidic pH. The use of this product ensures excellent qualitative results : of the fruit tastier and more colorful, a best caliber, a firmer flesh and a skin that is more resistant, thus a better quality of conservation.

Dose and mode of employment

Potassium TS   500  can be applied on most crops (vegetable crops, orchards, grain, ornamental...) by fertirrigation, or via foliar during periods of strong vegetative growth and development and maturation of the fruit.

In fertigation:

   - Growing vegetables 10 to 20 litres /ha (tomato, 10 to 15 l /ha, potato 15 to 20 l /ha). 

   - Tree of 20 to 50 l /ha depending on the stage of development and the age of the tree.

In foliar application :

   - Market gardening  0.4-0.5 l /hl.

   - Tree of 0.6 to 1 l /hl.


Potassium TS 500 is compatible with most  fertilizers and pesticides except mineral oils. It is recommended that foliar application, to associate with  Potassium TS 500 nitrogen fertilizer slow-release, in order to stimulate further uptake of potassium.
