
Composition and wealth warranties

Fertigrow is a fertilizer N. P. K in a concentrated suspension complexed by organic acids.

The pH of acid Fertigrow allows a better assimilation of elements nutrients by the plant, as well as the release of the nutrients already present in the space root. This power acidifier is especially beneficial in the case of water, irrigation harsh or loaded.

The organic acids of Fertigrow allow assimilation in a more controlled elements NPK, while improving the physicochemical structure of the soil. Fertigrow is used, according to the formula, during the various stages of development of the plant to improve its performance. 



Dose and mode of employment

It is recommended to use Fertigrow via an irrigation system located according to the following doses :

Vegetable crops : 5 to 20 Kg /Ha/application.

Fruit tree : 10 to 20 Kg /Ha /application.

It is recommended to use Fertigrow 10.52.10 during stages when the plant needs energy to know the rooting stage,  beginning of flowering and fruit set. Fertigrow 20.20.20 can be applied to all the phenological stages of the plant, thanks to its balanced formula. 

Fertigrow 12.12.44 is used at the beginning of the stage of fruit set and early fruit ripening.




Compatible with most pesticides and fertilizers except those excessively alkaline. Conduct a compatibility test when in doubt.
