Starter organophos

Composition and wealth warranties


 Starter organophos is a liquid fertilizer organic. In addition to its effect pacemaker of the issuance of the new hair root, Starter organophos and thanks to the liquid form of phosphorus associated with the matter organic and amino acids , provides  the young plant with a root system is reduced)  source  more easily and  more quickly  bioavailable phosphorus to the soil or fertilizer releases slow.. In fact, it is during the phases juveniles in horticultural crops and grain and the early phases of development vegetative for fruit trees, that the resumption of vegetative is the most affected by nutritional deficiencies, and especially by the lack of phosphorus. Starter organophos this, therefore, starter cultures for excellence, ensuring an adequate intake of phosphorus.

Dose and mode of employment

In fertigation : 5 to 10 litres /Ha.

Spray : 100 to 300 cc/Hl (1 to 3 litres /Ha).

Immersion before the transplant : 50 cc /50 litres of water for 12 hours.


Starter organophos is compatible with the following products and plant nutrition, in to the extent that their pH is not too alkaline. In case of doubt, carry out a test first.
